often difappointed. 1 benev~rfo firong, and ~e.vrr fo wife, yet he may \ miffeofthofc: oppormmtles, and fo he to reth the battaile, he lofcrh thebringing topaffeofhis en1 rerprifc. And this we fee is th reafon that is rcn · ! dred,Ecc!ef8 ·5. 6. Th~heart ofthewifeis to know Ecde(S.s.6. I the time~ and judgemmt, ·becaufe to every purpo(e · there is atime andajudgement;therfore themijefie · ofmaw is great upon him:Thatis,to ev ry action; and to every purpofe, ther-e isa cerraine opportu- · niry ;andbe aman never fo well fitted, yet if he miffe of that opporrunitie,hefhall nor bring his , :enterprifetopafle; Therefore faith he, the miferie efman is great upon him: for he neither knowes himfel fe what that opponunirie.is, neither can a- · ny man tell him,asitisin verfe 7.And becauf it is not within the power ofman, it is not within his compJ!fe to find out thefe feafons & oppor- . tunities of every purpo:e and action; hence it is, 1 that though they be nfver fo well prepared, ' though they have never fomuch fufficiency,and . abilitieto bring ruch an enterprife to paffe, yet theymitre ofir,becaufe they difcerne not of the , time.. 1 Thirdly,thiscomes to.pa:ffe, becaufe Godhath ! Rea(. 3· appointed acertainevariecie and change of con. Fhromthe, d . . t r. f d h . c anges ap- :lt10n to t11e 10nnes o men;an t ere 1s flO mans . poin,cdby wifedome,riches, or ftrengrh, that is able to de.. God. fend himfr omGodsappointment. Ifay,Godharh appointed 1 ccrtaihe change ofcc>ndition to all the fons ofmen,he hath appointed fuch croffes and affiittio!1s, he hath appointed fuch times,(as theholy Ghoft fpeakes) to paff_over their heads, F_f 3 and