Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

The moft t~hfe men. ---------------------·------------ and all the wifedome, and firengrh, that a man hath,is not aqle to turne Godfrom his purpofe,it 1 i&not ~ble to evJcuate & to frufirate his decrees, \but they fhall come to paffe. And .that is the 1 meaning ofthis in thetext:(forI take this reafon out ofthe Text.)The tranfbtionis, Bttttimeand chancecometh toalt.Itwere,Ifuppofe,betrenran– /l fiated,(and agrees with theoriginall,)For time& chance commetbto·af!.Nowby time in the Text is meant that varietie ofcondition, that God hath appointed toevery man underthe Sunne,asD.:tp;,.I.3 J.15.. l vidufcth the word, P(al. 3L r 5-_.cMy times are in thy hands:My times,that is, thevarietieoi condi– tions, the changes of my life., the good and el vill,the profperitieand Jdverlitie that befalls me, f.1ith he.,they are nor- in thehands ofmyenemies nor in my own hands, buttheyarein thy hands. I £.1y, there the word 1s fo nfed, and foweare to underll:and it in this place; forti me comes to al1, faith 1H~;that is, when 'Jodhath appointed fuch changes to the fiates:ofmen,ifriches,ifirrength, ifwifdome;diJigence,or skilt, were able to turne · · the counfells ofGodanother wdy, ifit were able to anticipate them, orto divert them, then the battaile mi-ght be to the firong, &c. but faith he, itisnotfo; What Godharh appointed,they can– .not alter. You fhnll feeit inmanyexamples. f,/hmcu.. . Saul was \veil ell:ab1ifl1ed, but when God ,had ~ppointed a change of his Kingd,ome, that it fhouldgo-fromhimtoDa'!lid,youfee he brought it to patfe:Though he were as fl:rong as aLpm,a,s .D'ttvid teil:ifieth of him, though he had many I , chil-