often dijappointed. ------- ---------------- "children to inherit th~ Crowne, though the-peo"' plc clave fall: to him, (you do not fin de that ever ·they rofetip in rebellion againft him) yet when Gc.dhad appointed filCh a tirne to palfe over him and his houfe,aU that firength,all thar fitnes and ·preparation that was in him, and ·his family, to continue the Kingdome to his pofierity,it could not rurne afide Gods Counfell, but it came to palfe. . ·Ely had a· grea~ family~there weremany Priefl:s of his line;yet whenGodhad faid he would cut off from E) his wholefJmily, and would turne the Priefihood to another,you fee how he found out meanes to bring it to palfe;howmany Priefl:s · were kildin one day byDoeg in the time of Sttt~l~ And afterwards,when Aviathar, one ofthat po– fl:erity, wastooke.inby.David, yet hewas cafi: out by s alomon,through an accident that feU out in his adherence toAdonija'h. whab,theLordhadfaidhe would cut him off and his pofieritie,thoughhehad fevemy fonnes; you might w0nder how it t110uld corn" to palfe, .that none of-thefe fannes fhould inherit the Crowne,and yet all werecnt off, and not a man lefr,by the handoflenu. When God, I f.1y,hath appointed variety ofchanges,·times, and condi– tions~o the fonnes ofmen,mans firengthis not a– ble;to divert his Counfell; and therefore the hattaile unot to theJlrong~&c. , The lafi reafon is likewife here ufed,and c!J.mce· . n,,r.4~ ·commeth to them All: That is,though aman be ne- Fr~m rodaine . . [c bl. [c {i ffi . [c acCidents. , · ~ ver o a e,never o u ctent, never o well pre· j , ·- F f 4 !.pa·red