Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

_1_1_2_, 'The mofl able men . ·, p~red to bring an emerprifcto p:lffe,yet fomeac– cidentmayrurneitforneorher way, an accident th.adte can neither for fee nor prevent: There fore fltirh the holy Ghojl,though he be never fo wifc,chance may happ..:n to him,he can neither ford ee allrheaccidents that cometo paffe, or, if hdhould, he knowes not howto prevenrrhem. \.Ah.ab, for ought we fee, went well enough to ' the batrai1e,Iehofophat and he; yet, faith the text a mandrewa bow :Jt advemure,&c.(whichacci– dem hecould not forefre,) the man aymed no m0re at Aht~t, nor underfiood it nomore than the arrow that hefhor, but it was a meereaccident direded byGod,that he could not forefee. H ttman thought he had made his preparation {hong enough tobring his enterprife ropaffe,to overthrow the Iewe.s; therecame anacciden~ be– twecne,the Ki ng could notfleepe,he callsforthe booke ofthe C hroniclcs,and rurnes to thatplace whereMordecdi·s difcovery ofa treafon was re.· corded,and fo Mordecai was adv.anced,&c.This was a chance that befell him; otlrhough he were never lo well fitted to bring his enrcrprife t palfe, yet this he could neither forefce, nor pre– vent.Mariy fuch infianccswe might give. So you fee now the rea{on ofthis; that men o the greatcfi fufficiency & abilitie, men that have made their preparations mofl: perfeCt, yet they do notaiwayes attaine to their hopes and ends: And contrariwife,menthat aremoreweake and unabJc,whichhavenotmade fuch preparations, they obtainetheir hopesand ends. . 1 - - Th~