Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

often dijappointed. 1 he Ufe we make of it, is: . . 11 1 .I ~.:. h - b 11 vr~. Fun, et men earne trom cncc, not to oau: / Not rob a ofany ':mtward ~rcn_grh,, of any wifedomc-, in l of ?utv•ur~'l thattheu found2.t1on 1s m :~defirongunderthern, th•nss. that they arewelll>ortomed, that theyare thus compam~d about with friends, and efiate, &c. For you fee, though aman inrends toget byall things, yet rhc event and fucceife comes not to pa~e ac.cordingly, but ofc they faileand difap~ I pomt htm. Therefore let not men boafi ofrhem, be aman never fo firong, never fo wife, yet he \ may as foonc faileas he thJt is weake, and mo!t foolifh. . SecancxampleofitinAfa_, zChron.'I4.6,7,8. /zch n . Yori may fee there how he built the Cities, he 1 6,7~s:0 • 14 had made him firong Bnlwarkes: Therewas not aKing of Judah that we reade of, that had firen gthened himfelfe more than he; he had five V hundred and fourcfcore thoufand valiant men, 211well armed and appointed 1 obeare the fhield and fpeare: (the text fets it downe very particu– larly,that we might fee Afa's fafetie 7 his fl:rengrh, and hi£ fecuriry,if you looke upon the creature) yct,fairh theText, the Ethiopianscameagainfr him with ten hundred thoufand men. \Vhence I gather this;Thatthereis no man fo fafe and fo firong,but he is fiill fubjed: to danger; and that p:utly by rcafon of the vanitie of the creature. Forall the O:rength that a manhath, it is but the ,: ft:rengrhof the creature;and thecreatureis made _· of fuch brittle ingredients;that of it felfe it is : ready to moulder away and faik. There is n?t .m