Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

Nofafetie' 'fromolltward tbings. The m~ft able men, ---- ir.I the creature it felfany fl:abilitie, they are but houfes ofclay, the befl: ofthe creatures; that is, they are madeofmouldring mettal,they are rea– die to vanifh ofthemfclve.s, andifthey were not, yet there is (omething fl:ronger. Let a manbe never (oJhong) ( thebdl: of allrhe crea– tures,) yet man is bur as the gralfe, and as the flower<:>fthe graffe.Thegra!fc.':ofitfdfeofctimes fades, though no iithe come neere it, but if it doe not fade ofitfelfe, yet it,is cut downe: fo there is none [o fl:rong, bur there maybe fi:ron ger .w fawas frrong, buthemet withone that was ll:ronger than he,the LteGims and Ethiopi~tns1 andyetas thong as the-y were, they met witlt one that was firongerthan th~y, bccaufeGoddid helpe him,andaffi£1: him:fothen let noman boaft of himfelfe. Ifwifedome would keepe a man fafe,Salomm hadneverfaiJen as he did. If poffeffions would keepea man[afe,Ieroboam and .Ahabhad never bin ruined,asthey'were. Ifthefavour ofPrin· cescould-keepea man fafe, Haman had not had ·that miferable end rhar ..he had. Ifcourage,forti– tude and val.our-cou1d -keepe aman fafe, Ioab and I t..Aimer had continued fafe: but you know how they both fell.So that you fee nothing under the 5unneis able to keepe a man fafe. Therefore let nota man boafi: inany thing that he hath; be he nev~rfo well appointed, let him have all the crea– tures agree together;to make a hedge about him, yet afHicHons, croffes and t:roubles will finde :fomegap or other into that hedge, to breake in ___________________________________________upon