Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

often difappointed. -------- upon him. A11 things that he bathare fubjtet to mutabilitie; Riches take themfelves wings, and flie away :that is,tfu.ough a man thinke they are fure, he cannor fee how hecould eafily be dif. poffdicd of them; yet, faith he, they are as a· flocke ofbirds,that fir in a mans ground, he can- · Jimilt. not promife himfelfe any certaintie of: them, be..· caufethey have \vings,andwill fly away;fuchare riches. And fo credir,bea man neverfoinnocent - let him give no ocG1fion at all, let him keepe himfelfe never fo blamdelfe,andunfpotted in the. worId,yet his credit is·not in his owne keeping, Hrmorejlin·potejlate hmorantis, &c. Honour is I not in amansownpower .You know though Io-– feph· wasveryinnocent, yet hewas blamed, and I foDavidand Chrift. And asititfaidofhonour, foitmay beoftherdt, .wealth; and, friends and - whatfoever amanbath; ler no man boafi him– felfe becaufe he is a !hongman, becaufe he is of • underfianding,becaufe he isrich,becaufe heisof · abilityin his bufines,·becat:Jfe he is am:rn0fskill' . for by thefethi.ngs he!hall not,ohrainchishopes and ends . Nay,myBeloved, let me be bold to addethis, . Ifa man begin to tninke himfelfe fafe for rhefe, and to growConfident upon them,andfay thus with himfdfe and his own heart, well, now I am· thusand thus rGoted, I<rtnnowcornpalfed about withthefeandthefehelpes; I fee not now how 1 iliuld be removrd;let him know this,that Godwil fo much the rather blowup6 him,thatchewilllh much the rather diffettle him, and take him off, that · · --------------------------------~------ \ ,.