\ ( · 'The niofl able men . Go lddrg!m I that he will fd mu'Ch the ratherturneaw.ayhisface ~~~:~~~1~1~~- landheJba!l6t troubled. ildcnc<:. (/ . 1fay,God";'ill do it (o ~uc~ t~~ rarher,partly, •. . becaufethaducce!feofrhmgsrs ms, and whena Tomlmtame \ ·11 b · h 11 · . {. JC. d . his ownrlt;ht. m~n Wl . egtn toc. J enge tt. to hlfn ~ J.e, Go will beg1n then to looke to h1s O><Vne nghr, and challengehisowne priviledge. You iliali finde 1Sam.t 7 •4 7. in r Sam.r7.4·7.Davidgives thisreafon,why he . tbould prevaile againfrGoliah, it is not I, but the battcltfaith he,i.f the Lords: As if he tl1ould f.1y, ifthe battai1e weremine,onhine,it may be,Go1/iah, thoumighteil: prcvaile againll: me, it may be thou mightdl: overcome me; but thebattaile is the Lords.Sowe may fay inthis cafe:Theevem I and fuccelfe ofthings; the. good and evill that comes to aman,.upon th<tt prep.:tration and en– devourthac hemakes, it i8 theLfJrds, and nor a– man challengeth it tohimfelfe, and boafts of ir, and thinkes I will doethis,rhe Lord \Yill not doe · it,the battaile is his: and as it is faidof the bJt– taile, foall things elfe ;tre his ; a_1d th~refore he will not difpofethemaccording to mans prcpa– r.uion, but difpofeth of them according to his ownepurpofe. 2 Againe,Godwilldoeitrhe · th~r,th_~themight Tolhc:whis fl1ew forth hisown po~r r . & c 1ifcovenhecrea– power. turesweakneffe, efpccia ' ly when acre1tnr. ili:lll pride irfelfe inany ofrh~fe outward ~ h i gs, as · Afahildidinhis{wifi nelfe,it was thr:: eau{~ ofhis ' overthrow; ~nd if'ldeed Godufhdiy takes men in fuch things,whentheybegin toboafr)Ifl1allnow have --- - ~·~---------(------------