/ Vfe 2. Nouoltcdif courag.ed in •want olpre . paration. The mofl able men,&c. for Godcwill turne all a contraryway. So much for che fir.ll: ufe. . , Secondly;as men are not to bQall:themfelves, · when they are ftrong; fo likewife if the battell be notalwayes tothe ll:rong, but at forne rimes alfo tothe weake,let no Jnan bedifcouraaed be~ caufe heis weake,becaufe he is unprepar~d, be.. caufe he is not fo well furniil1ed to bring fuch an enterprifeto paff.b. For as taereare certainetimes that Godwill have to palfe over menfor their e– vill, _(that beaman never fo ll:rong, as he hath app-ointed his change and condition, fo it ihall . come to paife)fo alfo there is acertaine timerhat Godhathappointed for othermensgoodandad.; :Bccau~wcak.' vancement :whena ma1.1. is w.e?ke and low, his neffccann•t weakneffcand folly ,and wabtltty, flull no more fruftrateGodJ frufirate, turne afide, and prevent his advance– pu~pore~ menr,whenGodwill bring it upon him, than the firength or wi!edome of th~ other n1J1I turne a– way Gods decree,and preventthecounfdl ofGotl 2. Gods hand is thmmoft feene. 3 Godhathmorc glory in th•t cafe. againft him. · . Belides, whenamanisweakeGod,putsin an accident, that he may-have the praifeof his pro– vidence,that men may fay hehath doneit;wher -– asifthingswentin ordinary courfe, they might afcribeit to thefecond caufes. · · Againe, the Lerdnuh~ r delights to doe it, even when men are weake, -becaufe therein his glory. is moll: feen~, he delights tomani(ejl his power i.11 DUr weaknejfe. Andther~:fore PAul, whe~ he faw this,he faith, he will rejoyce inhis infirmi– ties: Thatii,hethoughthis infirmities would be a --------------------~~---------------- '