Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

,' often dljappointed. )· 179 · avery gre2t advantage to- him, partly, becaufe they would keep him humble,that isone re2fon. ·And partly, becaufe he thought that,(lodwould the rather put forth his.p.ower, ,\le~aufe ,~~~was weake,that he fhould the rather haveGot(s power to uphold him. There(ore,Ifay, -l~tnotmen be difcouraged fortheirwea~enelle,betheadverfa- . ries never fo frrong; and their refolurions neve fo fixed, yet they !hall not prevaile, if G1i have purpofed otherwife. · YOU fee how peremptory1eza~e/sfpeech was GoJ dtfeates . God do fo and[o,&c. if!make ~ot EliaG tU one of:i mansparpofe . · the Prophets of Bad!hy tfi moi'ro;aJ. this time: yet , : you fee he was fafe not:withfranding this. Thus it was alfo when the le»'es had vowed with themfdvesthe d~ath ofPttulhewas ingreat danger,therewas fortyto one,and their refoluri– on was fo llrong, as it couldno ~ be altered ; yet codkept him fafe,.he prevailed, and they were difappoipted. . · · SoEliftut, wherrthe K.ingthoughtto have ta..· ken off hishead,though he had the power of~ King, and his purpofe was firme, that it fl10uld cometopatTe to a full heighr,rhere wasno doubt ' made ofir,yet Godkept him.!afe. · t · . Thereforelet us he incouraged on theother . fide that areweake, God is abfe to hide us, he i · abl:to firength cn us:, to·give us advantageand , ,fiJcceffe,whenweare unable to helpe our[elves: ·for as it is true,that the hatt.aile is notal.w~ie. s to the~· jlron.g)norfovour to tht wife, &c.Solt 1s true on · ~. . . .· th~\