Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

Rea[. I. God is withoat mixture. t!6hn ·z. Rea[. .a. , He is without · compo!ition. 'Firfi,in that moft fimple,withoutall mix– ture,as we fay,thatis,perfiEI: for perftEiion and ...AU-fufficiencieare all one: Perfection is that, whereby a thing is made up, fo that there be no'– thing wanting in it;firft,therfore, he isperfeCI in that heis without aU mixture,we fay,that is pr.r– ·fedgolo, .that hat a no mixture ofdroffe in ir, ifiatis perfecrwine,th~t hathnomixture of any thing befides;and inthatt.h~·Lerd is fimple and moll pureofefience, it mu~ needs ·be that he is . All~fi~fftcient,that heismofiterfect,as it is I !oh. r He is light ttndthere isnoJ.,rkenes in him .That is. There is no mixture of any thing in him. Secondly.Asheis t.vithout mixn~re, fo he is without compofition, wherfoeverthere is com– pofition (as there is in every Creature) there is . fome imperfccrion: for, where there is compofi– tion, there are parts, and wherefoever there are parts,there mufineeds beimperfection: for the . ' pal't wadtsfomethi~g<:>f the whole: but in the 1 ' Lirdthere are no parts, he iswithout compofiti– on~andth~refore he mufi: n.eedsbe moft perfect, and moft abfolute, and All-fujficient in himfelfe. ·:' Reil f. 3• Th}rdly. As he is~ithoutcornpotition, fo he He is without ' is without number: for all number andall mul- , number. · · tiplyi~g,arifeth from imperfeCtion : for if one would feru'etheturne-> wFiat neededmore1And therefore; hebe_ing 6f'le, limplyone;inull: needs be Allfo/ftcient? fonhereis no lilHltipiying in l him, and; therefore; th·ere·i$no figne bfimperfedion . . · · ·.· Fourth-