Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

Ecc L :&. sI As T E s 9· it. u. 1 returnedandftw tmderthe Sunne, thdt therAce u not tothefwift,m;r the battelt to theJlreng, &c. Ouknowwhere welefrwe proceed to that which remaines. In the third place, Ifmen ofthe .greatejffo/ficirncy & qbi!ity m~ty of– -. -tenbedi[appointed,thatthe !Jattaile k· nltalwayes t1thejlrong, nor the race to thafwift;· This fhould teach us then uorto be lifted up,but to bethankefuiHn our befl: fucce1fe; and on rhe . ' contrary, notto be overmuch dejected, but to beareitpatiendy, when things fpeed ill. If any manhauegoodfucceffe itunybufinelfe and en~· terprife, he is not to attribute it to his owne firength,to hisownewifdo .. Jle, fince that,asyou fee, fo oftenfailes. · . P(e 3~ Nottobeo; ver joyfuH or forrowfull for good or ill fuccdlc. _Gg The .. .