Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

The mofl able men I The creature hath not power en-ough ofit felfe . to bring an enterprife to palfe, it can neither fee lall the wheelesrhattend tomake up an enrerprife ·. .. (or thoughitfcethemi~isnotabletoturne them. . Th~Lbord (lll. And therefore,ifit be done, it is the Lord' muu c:e <!Ch d h . d h . r. · 1 b . kAowledged t at ot It, an t epra11e IS one y to e given in g_ood tuctO him. · cdfe. Th" . .., . .tr • I • r.. 11 . h Whywe nre IS ts a. neceuary pomt. t IS U1UJ Wlt us, morefot w;~rd to be very e~nell withGud, when a bufines is · i.nprarer,than to be done; but wee foroetto praife him after- · ·. 1npra1(e. A d h -v . wards. n w ence proceeds thts, but from a . 1 fecret atriburion ofwhat isdonero.0ur ownwit,, to 6lur own fl:rength,to our own policy to other · occafions':' Whereas if it were acknowledged" · ' we fhould beready to giue him the praife of all. thatwe doe. . 1 Sam.18 1 Davifl was awife man, yet you fhall finde· ·. 1 Sam. f 8 .he did not therefore carry himfelfe wifelyin all his affaires, becaufe he had ~nhabi– tuall gift ofwifedome,but faith the texr, Becaufe· the Lordwas withhim.TheLPrdwas with himto, guide him ·in evt'ry action, to direct him doe upon every particular oc~afion;and thence it was, that he carried himfclfe wifely in all his affaires. cyrus was a valiant man, and a potent, yet the · Scripture attributes it not to his "firength,that he prevailed as he did, but f:1ith, that he was God_, · Shepheard,hewas his infirument,it wasGod that , ufedhim,it was Godthat wroughtthisworke fo1~· him. ' Nebuc!Jadnezzer was amightypotent Prince,, · and •