Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

often dijappointed. . and prevailed which way foever he turned 'him– ' felfe,yet Godtells him)it was he thatgauehim do.• •minion andPillorywherdoeiler he went. , And asitis true on this hand, f.o it is Iikewife , on theother)when a man hath ill focceelfe in any · bufines,let him not fay,itwas becal!fe he did not ._manageit wifely) becaufe he had fuchan enemy to oppofe him, or bccaufe (uch an accident fell . outto croffe him;no, that is not the caufe: The . reafon is here rendred; For timt and chance happ peru to everyman: That is, ifthere beany'fuch accident,ifthere be any crolfe event faHs out to · hinder him in hisenrerprife at .that time, it isin Godsdifpofing; itis God·that hath done it. And · therfore yon feein the evillevents.that h!ue up -on any occafion befallenthe Church, ifyou ob– . ferue the phrafe ofScripture, iris nor attributed · t<:>them, but to God. When t'he fpirit of Pt~l, and The Lord rnuft be ac– knowleJgedin cvill fuccefie• Ti,g-la-pe!lezer,were fiirred upagainfi the people . · ofi(rttd,[aith theText,rChro.) .TheLordf!irred xC~hron.$.~6 them upagainfi: the people; it was not they that 'did ~t,but itwasrhe rord[hat frirred them up. So likewife he poured foonh his wrathby the . handofShifh~k: And asDavid exprdferh irin · hisowncafe,GodhathbiddenShimeicttrfe David. So iris in manyother places. Therefore let IJOt · men it tdownedifcoll'raged, vexing themfelues, , : and eating up their hear swith greife. Let not •. _menfay, Iffuchan a·ccident had not bin I had prevailed:for it is this time andchancerhat turhcs the event ofbulineffes. which is from the Lord, ·. and not from man,rherefore labourto berhankG_g i full