:• - =: .. w ... -·n?"r -~ d ·t.r··_th'· ·· ·w c· · ·- · often dljappointed. thAt makesjlejh histtrme, Curfedi.s-'he,thatisto fay Godharh ingaged himfelfe,when a man wil make · Be!hhis arme, to blow upon hisenterprifes, and to cauferhem to wither. Againe, S!ejfo·d is ha thttt trufls in the Lord: tharis,Godis tyedbyhispromifetogiue fucceffe in fuch a~:;afe. Thcrfore that ufe we fhould make of it not to tru£1: tom1r owne firength, to our ownewifedome, nor to othe-r mens. For what is ir, whenwe haue other men that are thong> and wife, and potent to refi upon '! Are they able ro bring it to paffe -: You fhail finde that . expreffion, Pfal. 3r.aplace that I touched in the · morning upon another occafion ;Da'Vidtds us there, that gre4t men fate tued jjake againft bi~, and confultedtogerherto takeaway his life;bQt, fai thhe,mytimes·are in thy hands: Asifhe lbould fay, mytimes,& ;he difpoftngofall myaffaires, good &evill fucce!fetome,thcyarenotin their hands,be they never fo potenr,they_are not in the hands o[Saul,theyare not iq the hands ofDoeg, · Pfal.p: they are not in the hands of all mine enemies, Mcnhauenot; but Lord, my times are in thy hands . So then, ifwe ~~~i:!~oa~~ ' could learne this leffon aright, we ihould not be affairet,buu .difcouragcd,when themoft potentmen are fet a-. God. gainft·us,nor be much incouraged when they~re for us.Thatin ~/ .1. 5r t 2.isexcellemfo~this pur~ pofe ; Who .4rt thou, faith he, thatfear~ff mortaft man, whofobrtatb is in h#nojlrils, andwhoJha!liJe madeatthegraffi;Thatis,iffuch amanbe.nev~r Ifa. )l. x:. fo potent, yet, faith he, confider his hreath isin . his noftrills, andhe ihallbemade as the gra1fe1 . _ · ~- ~ g 3_ tha~ ,I '