'The .moft ahle men that is, in truth hcis ofno power...Butthe reafon · nowwhymen doefcare,why men caredifcoura– g~d in fuch cafes;you lhall finde in the verfe fol- · .lowing: Whoartthou, faith he,that doelr this, , · I ttndforgette(l the LordtllyMaker ,whom~tde hettvtn · ANd earth,whoftretcheth forthth_e he.tvenr,andl~tid Forgetfulnn thefound~ttiuns sfthe earth~You never find aman of the L~d thatfeares agreat man,a potent man, but the true · ,rnake11 us,eare d f' . b r. h fi 1_ d 1_. 1mca. groun o ttts, ecau1c e orgets tneLor nuMa- ' far.- ifhe did remember themighty God,hcthat · fi:retcheth forth the heavens, and that layes the foundations ofthe earth, man would appeare a mortaii man. Youmay takeit for acertaine ge- . nerall rule, amans heart is never poffelfed with· · feare upon fit eh an occafion,.hut when he forgets · God, the great God; he would never elfe feare a great m;m. On the other fide, he would never be , confidentin fuch occafion, butwhen he retnem– bersnottheLord.Therefore learne we neitherto ; feare them,when they are againft us, norto trull: : themwhen theyare for us .. Weufuallypittythe.caf;:ofMcrchants,for,fay we,rheir goods.hang on ropes,theydepend up– Thealfeaions on uncertaine windes ; hut certainely he thar ofmanun(crtrufts in man, is in aworfe conditiO'n; for he refis aaint. upon theaffedions.ofaman, thatare more un ccrtainethanthewind.Whatfo brittle,andfoin~ confiant 1: We fee that for the-mofl: part theyare carried to-doe us good.or_evillwithby-refpeds, wit_h fomething touching themfelues, they~ ar Simik. .. ·turned to and fro,as ·theWeather-codes &Mi11s . .are, that when thewinde ceafeds, and when. the water , • •