.. - often d[[appointed:. · wat.ers.faile,fi:and ll:ill;theyar~ drivento doe for us fo long as fuch refpccts leadt~em,and no Ion- - ger.And thercforetotrufi: in m·en,iris not the fa fdl:,it is not the wifefiway. S .erhis in fornefew ex2mples. Da'CJid how inconll:amdidhefind the people,and apt to rebdlagainfl: him~and foM~feJ:yea DAvidhimfelfe,though he was an holy :man, yet ho .. winconfi:antwas he, inconfi:4nt to uuepbibojbeti1., onethat was innocent, one that had never done him any wrong,onerhar had ne- .ver.given him occafion~ Howinconll:anrwas be to 1011b, whenhehad,prevailedin the battaile a· gainft Abfolom~Howquicklywas he out-ofgrace "" andplace,whenhe hadf.1ved Davids life,ancl re– ·cove.red theKingdome, and <..Amafok, fhatwa_s but a reconciled enemie, put imo his roome f Thde& many fuch like exampies you fballfind. .AIJJ1tr,how inconfiantwas hero Ijh!Jojheth?even for 2 wordfpoken againft him, & a word th_at he .· gane him occalion enough to fpeakc-,a word that -he need not baue beene fo muchoffendedat, 'he f~Hs oJffrom him for ir: and this is to trufr in )tnan; I ~ay;>~irher inamans owne. wifedome or (-firength,onh any <?t~ermans. Th~ s p!ace lhewcs f ·whau grea~ fol!ytt IS. Thebt~ttatle ts nQt tothe jlrong:Thatts letaman beneverfo \'veilcomp~f.. I ,.fl Af!ICC/. : 0 f:the iocon– fiancyofmcnl. affedions. fedaboutwith ll:rcngth,andwifdomc ofmen,~t ... . birnput himfelfean·d hisfi·iendsinto the number A msnis nor h . r. c. b l l . a , !l d Cafe Jmon~ yet qsnot tare; m et Jtm truu: mGo , an treind$ with heisfafeinmidfiofdangers.Samp[onand Ijhlioout ~0~ RPQ . lflJeth,whetheywerein themidft oftheirfriends, ~:i~·Fare·~Go~ _ J when theywere afieep,thcywerecircumveme? dangers. J · G g4 · . Davtd ·