J s88 CJ"hcre iS afottimefor e)cryatlion. ·.God vvorlces our wc>rkes w enwee truft bim. DAvidon theother fide, when he wasalleepe in the midfi: ofhis enemies,whentherewasanhoall: pitched againfi him,yet,fairhbe, I laidme downe 11n dJlept: Why~ Becttuft the Lordfo(f Ainedme. . So that hot'h for our fafetie when weare indan· ger,and likewifetohaue ourworkeswroughtfor . us, to trufiin God,and n0t to t'ruft either in our ownewifedome,or inrhewifedome, or11rengrh ofman, that W( lhall finde confi:antly to be the · bdl:wly. . WhenDavidabfrained from goingup to bat– tell againfl: Nalu!, whenhe tooke- thecoun fc ll of his wife, andwhen heabll:ained from pLHt ingvi– olent hands uponSau!,yoq feehowGodwrought · it for him; hegauehimNa6a/s wife, he gaue him Sau!s wit~es,andhis houfes, ttJI}dhis Kingdomeintl! bis httnds; this hegot by rrufi:inghim.But when · menwill take their owne wayes,when they will goe about enterprifes with their ownewifedome Jn hisowne wi(edome andjlrengtb _(hall no man be jlrong: Godhath {aid ir, and he will makeit good : upon all occafions. The conclufion therefore is, ifthe battellbe nor to the fi:rong, northeraceto tbefwift,&c.Ifmenqfthegreatejlllbi!itieare often d'i_foppointedoftheirhopes & ends,rhen welhould nor makr fJdh oi1r arme, bur trufi in God) both for faferiein€ianger, and to bring ourenterprifcs · to palfe. And fo much for this point. Wee now proceede. Ndther doth mttn knowhis tim~, This is added_ partlyasa fecond vanitie which Salomonfow under the Sunne, and partly as area .. · ~ fon