Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

'There is a Jet timefor el!ery a8ion.· fon oftheformer:Fo~, faith he,rhoughmen-be fl:ro ng,and wife,yet there is a certaine feafon to doethings, that they may miflake, which eau:. feth them to faik: For mttn knowes not kit· time: . and from hencehe drawes his Confequence,be. caurc menknow not their timc.s,rrh~rfore_theyare foared in aneviltime,bcc:m[e they know not the good rime, whfn good act ions fl1ould be ·done, therefore evill rimes come upon them fuddenly tha ris, they take them unawares:and this he illu– firates by two fimilitudes; They come ttpon them, faith he tU an evil!net comes uprm fijhts ,and tU the .fnare uponthef8wles, So that in thefe three pro– pofitions, you iliallhaue the full meaning ofthefe words: and thefe therefore we.:: will handle di.. fiinctly. Firfi,thatthereisatimeallottedto every pur– pofe,and to every bufines • .Secondly,thatitis very hard to finde out that urne. ' And thirdly, becaufe men cann'ot finde /this ·, time, but tnifiake it, therefore evill times come upon them fuddenlyj that is croffes, affiid:ions .& defiruetion comes upon them fuddenly, even as thefmtreupon thefow!e,andas the net ttpot~ the , jifhes. And that this is the meaning of this place and thatrhefethree points are included in it, you may fee befi bycomparingitwithanother9fthe likeienfe.Eccle. 8 .4,5 ,6,7,Where the wordofthe King is thert is power, and wh~JbaUflty to him, . what doeff thou?That is,itis a dangerous th!ngto· admoniili Princes :who fhall fay to a Prince, what Ecc1.8 ~~.6.; l I ----------------~~-