S?o ·.There ri a Jet tirnefir e)erya'ai~n. what d~~u, f2ith the Wiftmalil Thereis a time wherein we may admoniih Princes fafely, although they heexceding powerfull., although they haueitintbeir owne power to t11ke ttwAJ the Jjirit, .&t, as he faith afterwards, yetthere is a time. . ( But how fhaii a man know that time'! Saithhe,He ti:Mt kup'u t!te CommA;sJemtJit,foa/1 l11owno eviUthing,4ndthe heart 1ftht ;lift }hall know thetimeAndtbejuJgement: That 'is he fJull lcnowwhen t0giuea ftafonable admonition toa Prince., or to agrear man; For, faith he, to every P*rpP[ethere YAtime & 4 ju.igmtnt;Th~tis,there is a time and adif,retion, 1 that is the meaning of rhewordin the originall) when any action is to hedone,there is acertaineexact rime:Ifyougoe before ir, or ifyou come after it,there is much dangerinit;ifyeu hit upon the jufhime,youare liketobe (iJccelfefull in it: for toevery purpofe thereis a timeandajudgment,Bec~tuftthe mifory of,ttn i!greatup1nhim: That is, it is the Lords pleafuretoappoint fiteh acertaine rime toevery purpofe, and to every action that he might dif– covert(> men thatyanitieto which they are fub · jed:, aud likewife that he might inflict his jndge– mentsuponthem.Themifery ofman is great upon him, becaufeevery purpofehath a rime. - But how fhall rhis be proved~ _Heprouesit by this;for, faith he, He knowes nnt whatjhaU6e:for who can tell him what fhaU be.? As ifhee ' fhould fay, Ifa man 'did knmv this time he were fafe enough, hee were free e- . nough