7 her~ u a Jet timefor e"ter.;)atlion~ 591 n0ugh from mifery;b~t fince he neither knowes -it himfelt,nor is thereany thdlt can tell him,thcr– fore the miferv of man is Qrcat upon him : Thus . " ..... . you feethat in bo.th thdepLces thefe three:points· are inc1uded,and thefeJ will runne over, and'fo · make ufc ofthem. --- Firfi)Thereua certaine timt that G1dhAthal- Propojit. ;.• lotte4toevery parpofl'>and toeverybufindfe; If Tl-!mrutime · k h · fi d · · "f . allottedto ey~u _ta_ ~t . attlme'>~On may UCC(;e Ctnlt,l you veryaaion. rmffe tt,tttsexceedmg da-agerous . As you fhall [ee,Eccl(f.3·Toall things there is an appointed Ecdef.3• time,toeverypurpofe-underheaven: There is tt;. time to hr: 6orne>znda time tq dit, atime toplant, . anda t ime top!uckeup;ati,teto flay,,:md a time to· . hrale ,&t· .t...Atime to weepe,and atime to lttttgll. AU: thcfe particulars mentionedby Stdomon,may be · divided into thefe three rankcs;for all ri2turall Toal~natural atlions, ~s welJas thofe~hat are voluntary,.and atttons. donebyconfultation)theris atime thatGodhath. fer. 2 .Againe,for all lighter a&ions,as well ~s· for !~::eae acci. attionsofmome,nttherdsatime.., ; · 1. Againe, for a1J private aCtions, as weU as for Forpriv2te thofe that are publike,therc isatime ; that is>not acboJ.u. a time which man inprudencewillchufe our, bilt a time whtch GDd hath a·ppointed,a time which, God hath fet downe:lfaman.hit upon that timC' which Gedhath allotted,ht fhall fucceede in ir, etherwife he failes. So,. you f~e, utCiJ 17.2 fi· . Het hAtbmAie· ~fone UoudallmMJkindto·J,eU 1 A~SJ7; 1~. Npontht ftce ofthe tArNJ, A»R h4th afsigneJtile~ \ .times that Jfltre ~nltti11ed 6efore, t~nd tue boft-ndu . of .