Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

'S92t 'IJ;ere is a Jet timefir e"tJery aaifJn. oftheir hahitatfuns: That iStc;ray, the times of everyman, the times for every mat1s il:ate and h c0.ndirion, the times for the feverall changes to The c ange-s h. h · C . ofmc:n Ciues . w IC eyeryman; every omrnon-wealth, and & .. co~moa- [ every Citie isfubject, thefetimes Godbath affig... . w~alt~~ ap· · ned;he hath ordamed them before,·Jnd they are ~~7.e Y asbouridstharcannot be paff' d. The like you ~~e !ob 14 >)6. Job 14.5,6.. t..Are not his tlttyes derermined,andthe number of hismonthes with hee, thou haft a;poin. tedhishotmdsthathecannotpajfe: (Markeit:)As ifhe ihould fay; th~re . is nor <1 man comes into the world, but Goti hath appointed him cer~ taine boundes,he cannot paffe the numberofhis Simile. monthes: That even as a man dcales withan hireling, '(fortpatfimilirude he ufeth prefeutl Y' after in the next verfe,) he agrees with him fo.t' filch a time;So longyou fhall workeandno lon– ger:So,faithhe,Godhath appointed every man fo many monthes; fo many yeares he mofr doe him fervke,fomeren yeares:~ fomnwemyyears fomefortyyeares:Aiyou'fee irisfaid ofDttvid, Aa113~H· t.Alt.I3·35· Whenhehadfer'tled his time by the CeunftUofGod.As ifhe fhou ld fay, There is an appnintedtimethatDavidhad to do him fervice in,hee did.him fervic~ as aKing. And fo in the fameChapterit is faid, John Baptijl,when he had fnijbetl his courfe,&c.·That is, There wasa cer– taine race that-he was to run he could not come fbort ofit>not he could not go b-eyond it. So that both to the actions ofrilen, to every purpof.'~ , to every action& bufineffe that .is done in th elif:?~.f aman,there is a4"ertaine time appointed, there> ts · a·cer..