:1 'There u aJ{et timefor e~ery aClion; 1 _59~3. a cert_ainetime th:J.t God bath allotted, and as a manobferuesthis time,fo it is better or worfe with him. But before I come to the fecond, let me ihew . you the reafons in aword,why Godhathappoin– ted thefe: times,Godbath fet thefe times: That is Godbath appointed fuch times for bufindfes,for every purpofe; p~rtly, becaufe they ~annot bee done in anorherrime:&therfore it is faid tobean allotted time; Ifyou take another time,you may labor,andlaborin vaine:As you fec:Eccle.3·9af_ ter he·had f.1id,There u atimefor everypurpofehe addes this,Andwhat profit hath he th.ttwork.rofthe thingwherein he tra'Vaites?As ifhe fl1ould fay,ifa man miffeohhefetimes, what profit is there of his worke,though hetravaile neuer fo diligently init,ifhe mifl'e his time,ifhe pitch not right upon his· time, Godworks not withhim,there is no con, courfe withhim;fo he laborsin vaine. Secondly, tbere is an allotted time, bec~iufe Godin his providen·ce,in all his workes)he doth what he dorh iri meafure,in number,heweighe~, every thing and makes it beautifulJ ~ now euery thing is beautifull in its feafo.n; out ofits feafon it is not beaurifu'll. And that is another reafon that · he Iikcwife here renders,verfe. I I . He hathmadee... very thing heautiful in his time:rherefore therisa time allotted to euery action, and to every pur– pofe becaufe ifit miffe ofthis time, it is not beau. tifullthereis adeformity,there is an obliquity in it,thc beaurie,theprecioufndfe,and the comeli– ndfeof it is loft. · ' · Thirdly Reaf.r • Things can. not be done iaanothcr time~ Reaf.t. Things are beautifuH in their time. I