Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

. ----------------~~--~----~·-------------- 194 'The mijfing oftime bringeth miftr;'. Reafim ~· Thirdly, Godh1rh ·appointed acertaine time, It is Gods he harh allotteda timeto every aehon our ofhis prcroggtiue tea·:pointthe owne royall prerogatiue, hewill not haue men time. toknowthetimes; but the rimes mutt be ofhis 2. It is hard to finde out the time. allot~ing,he hath appointed atime toeverything wherin his grear S0veraigniry over thecreatures and over all thingsappeares: and therefore you lhallfee,Afls~ . 7 · It is not fer y~u,fai th he,toknow the times ttnd_fc~fons neither to knowrhem,norap pointthem:for, faich he, thofetheLordkeeps in his owne power: and therefore itis he that hath allotted atime to every thing. Ic is hee alfo that concealethand hideth them from the fonnes of men. And this is the firft point; That to. every action thereis a time appointed. . Secondly, to finde out this time is exceeding hard,beEaufe it isnot in thepowerofany manto knowit,except Godguidehim to fee ir, thereare not prindples in man, .there is notin him fufficiency ofwi.fedome,to findeout the fitnelfe of time, except Godguidehim to pirch upon that time. Nowifthe Lord were pleafed to revealeto men their feverall timt>s, allotted to actions, it .were an eafie thing to finde it our:but he bath · TheLord kept them to himfelfe, and that for thefe two kcepeth rimes Caufces. fecret to hiiD• fclfe. One is, That men might watch; for if men To re!chus ~~ew th.e times,they wouldbeloo~e,and negl.ect · wacchf•.dndfe ttll the ttmecame : Therefo re, fa1th he, feetng J thouknowdl: nt;>t the time .when .he will come, \ whether at aight 1 or at what ti'me of thenigh.t, . _ . . whethe-r --------------=-----~- ----.~------------- ' . .. •