Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

• 'The mijjing of time bringeth mifcry. 191 - whetheratthedawning, or at the Cocke-crowing, whether at the firlf: watch, or at the fecondi therfore watch: A? ifh.e ih0uld lay,Ifmenknew the time certainly, they would lleepe tiH_that time,and then they would beawake,;but God wil , hauemenwatch. Secondly,God hath appointed thefetimes, and refervedrhem tohimfelfe,that men might learne - to fea rehim, that they might learneto keepe a continuall dependanceupon him;for,ifthetirnes were in our owne hands, we might mannage our buftnelftl with our owne ftrength?butwhen they are in Gods hands,Wee know n~t w!J4t to morrow , wiU,hringfoorth: Therefore rames faith ,saynot, I will ioefuch athi»gbvillgoe tofoc!J aplau, ttnd flay thereayrare,and6uy .tndfell;for, faith he,itis not in your hands, your life is no·t inyour owne hands to effeCt this bufineffe;ifyou doe Hue, it is not in your hands and thereforeJ6tuught 111 foy, ~fth~Lordwiti.And therfore to keepemeninthis dependency upon him, Godhath referved thefe times unto himfdfe. - Thethird,and lall: propofition is,That becaufe men mitre ofthefetimes,therforetheir miftrie is gr~at up~n themparrly,becaufe they do not effea the thing theygoabout,when they milfeoftheir ·time, for the Lord works not with them, when– theyhit upon a·wrong time: partly alfo becaufe they failing in their dude, not taking thegood timethatGidhathappointed, he in hismoftjuft judgement fends upon them t'Uilt timer,that ~~~~ Jenly .tonJe HfM them;e'IJ:en 11s ~tfn~tre NfM t!Je~ird - As. Re;t_{. 2• Thatmenmay learR to fc:Jre the Loca,and depeRdupon him. Propo~t.. 3• ~ Becaufe men - m1lfe the time– they fall into miCery.