Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

The mijfing oftime hringeth mifery. As you feewhen birds are feeding quietly, and fearing nothing, then an evill fnare eomes and takes them:So it is with men. when they haue miffed theirtimes, when they thinke they are fa– fell,when they fpealce peace to them felues,when they thinke that danger is farthefi off, then evi!l timescomefuddetJly upon them. This you fhallfee beft in examples. · ln{lance.r. Gehe.zi, when he tooke a gift of N.t~tmtt»; The Ofmiffingt&e . Prophet his Mafier reproues him in thefe words; righttime, Gehezi, faithhe,Is thisatime toreceiuegifts? As gehe~i. ifhe fhot1ld fay; To take agift in it fdfe is not a, mifi'e,bntthisis not atime for it: for Nttttm:mwas but a firanger, Againe, he was but a beginner in heleeving in the trueGod, and therefore to take a gift of him,thatwas not atime. It was the man– ner(you know)to bringgifts to the old Prophers . not for reward of their prophe lies, but for the mainteinance oftheir efiate: [oSttul brought to samuelagift: and tberfore in feme cafes it might haue bin feafonable.But,faith he,is this atime to take a gift offi.Ich aman, u'pon fuch an occafton, atfuch a ft!afon ~And what mifery came upon Gehezifoqniffing his time?Saith his Mafier,Thf' leprofte ofNaamttn the AjJyrian foal! cleaue to t/iee thatmifery came vpon him. So you ihallfee Httggai. r. Thepeopledid a law full atlion,but they miffed ofthetime;Thusfaith · the LordofHo.fts,Thi.Jpeople[ay,thetime is notyet when thtLordshou(ejhould6e6uilt :Then came the wordifthe Lord by the minifteryof theProphet HaggaiJaying,Is ita timefor your[clues todwelin fetl'd