i The mijfingoftimehringethmifery. · feeled houfesJ& t-hu hofe lie wafle? Therfore now .foiththeLordofhofts ,y·ou_havefowne much,6utyou IJAve hroughtin little)yeruate, /;ut youhave note- ~, • Htmgh;you tirinlu,but you are not jlled; you c!tMth ; you -6ut you are not warmed; and he that earne/, . wages,he putsit into abroken·bagge. It wasalawfu!! thing for them to build houfcs to dweU in,and enjoy; but, faith he,I.rtbis a lime todwelt · , inyottrfleledhotif'es? Asifheflwuldfay, You miffed ofrhetime.Aod whatthen?Youfeerher- ~- fore thei•rmi[ery \vas great on them : Y-(Ju ha-ve · fowne much,lmt you have 6rought in little,&c. lacob,kwas lawfull for him to have fought the Ia:· 1 f7.• bleffing,butbecaufe he milled ofrhe time, you · fee hisrnifery was grearuponhim:, How many fore yeares of travel! had he under his uncle£"' . .6an~ And this was becaufe he miifed;ofhis t-ime,. -On the other fide, D~~tvid,that did hit upon his time,Ggdpromifedhim aKingdome,& he flay ~ .ed his time,youfee he had it with good fucceffe, he hadit in fuch a roanner,as wa~ fit for him;for he frayed his time. . RehohMm is .another exqmple,when he conful- RehoboAm . . tedwith the old men;They told him, that if he wouldferve thepeopleat that time, they jbYJttld !J,e hisfervants for ever:but he followed the counfel ofthe young men,& you fee what fell outu pon this, the miffing ofhis time; for that was the I counfelltbatthe old men gave him, ifthou wilt / ferve them at this time,&e_. As ifthey had faid, I Reho6Mm,thouthinkefritwil be difadvantageto J thee,ifthouletthe tainesloofeupon them, and ( - Hh not