Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

19R The milfinc~ oftime hringeth tnifer:;'. , ·,' not rdl:mine and curbe them in the beginning, but thou m~ffe!l: ofthy time: There is atime for r;1eekendie,and a time for roughnefie, there is a time for clemcncie, there is a time againe forfe– verity; but this is not a time for Re~o!Joam to ufe fevcrity in the beginning of his Reigne : There- . fore you fee hismifery was,greatuponhim,helofr ten Tribes by thismeanes. So likcwife.; the people of lfrael, when they foughtaKingforthemfelues, it was lawfull for them to fecke a King, for Godhad appointed from all eternityDavid to he their King; and ifSaul had not been their King,Dttvii had been the fame feafon that he was: but their . error was in the time, they would have aKing, whenSamue/raignedoverthem, whenGodwas pleafed to judge them by the hand ofthe Pro– phetsmore immediately, than by tl~e hand c of the King: for he faith) that himfel(e ruled over them:and therforeGodtells them,becaufe they would needes havea King now, becaufe'they would anticipate him (they would haveaKing beforeGodhad appointed them aKing) there– forethis curfe fhould goe with their King,he, ·faythhe,{halldoethusandthusto you, He f/Mit takeyourfonnes ttndput them untohis Chariots,he jhalltakeyour daughters, &makethem Apotheca– ries, hejhall takeyour Vifuyards,andyorJr Olive– trees. ThusyourKing fhalldo to you, becaufe· you hav~ miffed your time, your mijery fball' . hegrettt uponyou. · . The like you fhall fee in the Children of1 . Num.