Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

Themijfingoftimebringetbmifory_ [ 599 Num.r4. thepeoplemightlawfully fighragainfi Num.J<f. the Cana~tnites,youknow, they were brought forth for that purpo.fe; yet bec~ufe they miffed oftheir time,they would do it at that timewhen they were not appointed, Moft.rtellsthem~ifthey 'rould needs go up,the_y ihould fall bef<9rc their enemies,&accordingly it fel outfo;for theymiffed oftheirtime.r need not to run throughmore examples,Iiftahartd'Dav~d,H you lay thefe two lojiah. examplestogether,youlhallfinde, David wem David. not out to warre whenhe fhould, and the other went whenhe fJ1ouldnot-, and fo milled of their times;and you fee what mifery it brought'upon them:upon Davidit broughtthegreateHmifery NGte. ofall other, which was the giving of him up to fuch finnes as that ofmurther and adultery, that· broughtall theevilhhat he fufferedaftenva rds• .Andloftah,itcoll: him his life :for he went out unfeafonably:,mill:akingthetime whichGodhad aliottedforfuchan emerprife. Soyou fee now thereisatime allotted to every purpofe, to every bulineffe. A:nd it is hard to know it, for God keepes it to himfelfe, he reveales it when it plea- , feth him,he pitcheth one man by his providence by thefecrer guidance ofhis Spirit,upon aright time,when another-miiTerh it; I meane not that · it is alwayes done in mercy,but'in the ordirurie difpolition oftime, tothem that know him not . for whenaman pitcheth upon the rime,it is he that guides him. Thirdly, Becau(e mtnmiffi of · theirtime,the ?PJifery it gredt upon them, it comes i ,uponthern;that is, fomeevil times co:nc upon , \/ H h 2 them J ' #