Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

6o,o , (The mij}ing of~ime bringi:thmifery• . , Vfe. Net cr:tlyto locke ro out– wad :< B: t()ns, bm to rhe time of them. A~lionsnot donein:heir time~ avea - deformitie in. ll them. f. ' Wa-Hhonr t ! me ~: i n the thing' GoJ GOQHDJnde th.,_ as-, _, Adn~vnition•. them fiiddenly ,it comes upon them like a fnare. Nowbriefly, the ufewe flnuld make of it is _ this., That we be care_full not onely todo the aCtions that belong toour Callings, either our gene ralicalling,as we are Chrifl:ians,or our par... ticular calling,in our ordinary bulines,it is not _ enough to do-them,hut to look narrowly to the time.It is aRule among Divines, that an aCt:i0n iEnot good, except it hav·e al-l circumfl:ances - good. An actionmaybeevill upon miffing any , ~one,. thereforethe time is an·ingre-dient into the goodndfeoftheact:ion,were the attionneverfo . good,ifthe time bemifled, it makes. the action · {V ill,_when we do it out qfits fea:fon, when we– doe it not in his rimc.Asit isfaidofwords,when· th{ y ~re in[eAfor; they are Geautifu/1: So i.t is true ofevery action,. when it is done in its owne fea- , fon,it is,beautituU, ifit he not, thereis-fome de.. .formit-ie itit,fome obliquity,andbyconfeq.uenr- · fome linfulnc£fr, .if it be a mora:ll aCtion, or fomewhatrhat bring& evill,after ir, if-it be an , adion of -another namre. l~ow the aclioris. . ,vherdn we ar.e: to looke fo . narrO.'Nly to our: t times, areot rhreeforts·. Some are the atEons th~t Godhath comm:m· · ded us to doe: VFhcrein,itisnor enoughfor us , to clotheworks,but we mu!lobferv~thetim~s , To-admonifh is agoodacl:ion,.&itis .comman· · ded us,but to·doe it in-an unfeafonable ti·me, ei– ther unfea[onahlyro h-im thatadmonifheth;orto ' . him that is admonii11~d; it fpoiles the action.To .. kthankcfull former<;ies,and topJyour vowes ,. • it ' '