1"he mi.ffing oftimebringethmifery, itis a good action ;hut yetifr:hetime~e miffed and we give not thanks in dtie feafon:,·ifyou pay not your vowes, but deferre them, he that de-! Vowes. ferres his vow, though the action be good in it fdfe, yetift 1 he time bemiffed,he provokes-Goa l to anger, and finnes again!l: him. It is a lawfull thing for us to doe the workes ofout Calling, ~~rbofor~r · and to doe them diligently; yet ifwe do them mg. unfeafonably, a~ ~neroach upon the time-allotred topraye~;whenn we oughtto renew our re~ pentance, and to fet our hearts ftraight and right before God,nowitisnotdone infeafon, itclif pleafethGod;it is an action done out of its tim~. To mcmrne and rejoycc, are bothgood 'acH.ons, Moumingand but if theybe done out oftheir feafon,rhay are rejoycing. :both exceedingcvill& finftill: wefee howcare– fullyNehemitth tells them, they fhould nor have -~mourned;for(faith;he)thisisatimeofreioycing, : for this rime to rejoyce, (it i~ you~ftrength) for , thejfiyoftheLord isyottr ftrength, therfore now wcepenor,mournenot,but re)oyce. Againe, at · another time to rejoyce, is as great a fin, as tlien tomourneas we'fee, I[a,2z.n.,r3. When the Lard caUs to mourning, if now you give your Ifa.u. u,x 3 . feh1es tokiUmg of PJetpe andflaying ofox-~n,&c. yourfinne fhallnot be purged from you rill you , die.I need not give you infl:ances in this cafe. Thefeare oneforrofact:ions. All theduties ·of our Calling mufl: be done in feafon. J Thefecondfort ofactions thatwearetoob Warchop· . . • . •, ' porrurunes m,. fervethlsttmem, they arefuch as bd()ngto o- :tffktionsrhltl thers that tend to the good ofothers 'the oood conccrne 0- \' . ) . -- H h 3 ' o of -.thm.