) 'Tbe·mifingOjtit11e bringethmifery, 6o~ The lafi: fort of adions wherein we are to ob- :; Watch in -.cti– ferve a time,they are fuch as belong to our own ons concer,- fafety: There is a time th. atifamah ·fpeake, hee 1 .ni~g.ourown , makes himftlfo aprey to the wrath ofmen. And fa,euc. therefore theprudent, at fuch a time, (Ju!l kecpe filence,[ai.rh f....Amos .And therejs atime·wherein ifaman do not fpeake, he makes himfelfe aprey Sre.tking'for to the wrath ofGod. And not to hit upon a right God. . . feafon in fuch an aCtion of [peaking and ihewing himfelfe, or not doing'it, it bringsmiferie eitherfi·omGodor man. There is a time for A man to giveandjjend, ~nd ~r~~;~and 4 time againe,forhim tojjare and g.tther, i(hc milfeofthis time, if hewill not give when he ought,ifhe fpare whenheoughtto give,it brings a mifery upon him,he lhall bealoofer byir. , · In all pa.rticular actioBs,eften timesGodopens .•a doore to us ofadvantage to our felves, to our children;to thofc that depend upon us, if it- be taken. You have the opportuniry,ifyou ftaytill itbe 111Ut up again,there is a mife ry that follows ir,it is :;t thing that co_n,ernes your.ownefa_fety, but thef~are but leffer matters. There are times · of gre~t~.r Confequen{:e than t_hefe. There.is a time whenGodoffers grace to aman. Entertaining ..Now to refufeit,to milfe. ofthat time, it caufeth ofrers-ol guce the mijeryt.Dbegreat,yea,tobeetcrnaiupon him . :Luke I 9.42 . Oh ]erufo/em, iftbfJU hadft knVIVne lukex,9.41. .the t-hings belonging tothype.t&"ein this thydttJ /ntt now they arehidfrom thine eyes: Asif he ilion.ld fay, Thisis thetime,Jerufo/em,whenifthou wilt take the offer thou maift,~ifthoudidft .know thy · · H h 4 . - --- time,