Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

-'fhe mijfing of time bringethm !fer;'. the Kingdome tohim.Godintimates thus muc.h to him there, that ifhe had difcerned his iime, hemight have faved his Kingdome, but becaufe he did not fee _it,that mifery came.uponhim, he loft his Kingdomefrom himfelfe, and from his pofl:erity for ever. · TheIewes likewifc,there was a_time whenGoiJ would havenceivedthcm,& averted that feare~ , full judgement that came.upon the wh~Ie Nati– on, when they were earned away capttve; but when they had paffed that time,we feeGodis ~efolvedto dell:roythem; there is no more hope then. Ieremy u.i4.•Thau jhalt notprayfor thl~ people:~ 1 wiUnoe heare their cry in the dAy oftheir trouble.· Thou iha!t not pray for them,thou thalt notliftupacry,a prayer forthem.Itis twice re– peated, ~ecaufe theLordwas refolved, the time was pafr, and they faw it not, Therefore their · mifery WitS gret~t. But youwillfaytome,(to conclude with that) HowihaUaman dotoknow thattime,toknow the time and feafon, that God bath alloted to · every ad-ion, fince it is ~f fo much moment_, and the milling of it hrings fo much ~ifery upon men~ I will runne tbrough fome directions very briefly: Confider whatthe caufe is, that men milfe ofthdrtime, and you fluU finde by that the meanes,howto.finde it out. The caufewhy meu miife'it,is : . ' ' Firft, inabilitie to difcerne, man himfelfe knowes it not,and no man elfe can tell it him: · So Anjw. Howtoknow : thetimethat Godha rh al– lotted to aru. ons. Thecaures of · miffingthe time. I ·. Vnahilitieto know it.-- - - '