)The mi/flngoft_imebringeth-·mijery. o;.____ Dir«el:ion&to undein. •• ' Notleaneto ~urovvn wife· dome. i Walkingin Godsw~ycs~ ·------ Soth~nitisi~ Gods owne pow~r to rmafe it~. Thereforeto find out this time, let a man doe t'hef~two tpings, to have.ability to difcerne ·the times. · · · Firfi,let him notleane to hisO·wnewiiedome, · but trull:in God, that is, let him goe and aske counfell of God· Even as DavJ.ddid,shtt!l I go up tsHehron,orjhaUI not? So inall fuch doubtfull Cafes .go toGod,1hall I do fuchathing, or !hall I not~Shall I do it infuchafeafon,or !hall Ifiay ~nother? Wefee what Sttlomon [aith,Provrrhs 3•. ) .Truftinth~Lordwitka!lthy-hu.rt,and leane not t~thinel~nwiftdome,ina!lthywayu 4clmowledge .h!m,•ndheefb4Udirellthy W4J: f"hemea~ing of this.,Jet ~man in his heart r~fi: uponGod, & trufi :jn ~im,andfaythusto him, Lord, I confelfe, I .know notthe times, I know not whether this be :aJ1tfeafon,or another,Lord,I leaneon thee,I be– feechtheedifcoverthetimes to me . .When the ;heart indeed refis pn him, , there is .a promif~, Truft in the LorJwfth all thyhtart, (that is) truft inhimingood ettrne(?,and he fM!ldiretltby .way: Tbat is,there £hall bea fccretguidance from his Spirit;tnat ihall pitch thee ·upon ;.~ - right time; There !hall a fecretthoqght come in thy ·heart, (which ihaHbe as ifaplan il:ood behind thee) thatfhallwhifpertoth.ee,and fay,Thisisthew~ty this is the time,turne thisway, and notthat: So Gaddired:s us,ifwe trufi in him,and rcl1: on him. : Ifwe goeto him, ana pray him, and befeech : himtoguideus. Secondly,it isnot enough onelyto pray ·to _ him,