'The mijflngof time bringethmifery~ 6etp unfeafonable; whereas-were the heart quiet, the , jadgemen~ would be cleare too; ·to. t'ee what were fir,and what unfit. As it is in thecommon Converfewith men; Co itis in thefe gre-at actions~ to choofe the time that G' odhath al1otted to everyad:ion,and pur– pofe. Iftherebeany carnall,worldly,finfuU di– .fiempe-r in the heart, youare apt to mifie ofthe 'time; for every p:affion and dificmper is like Paffionl1ke :~ ;drunkenneffe,it cafisa man aficep. Now,hethat drunkcnr,etrc:. obfcrves the times, mufi: watch and watch diJi,.. ;gem1'y,and a man that is dificmpered,is not fit to watch, and toobferve. And therefore Chrift faith Luke z·I. 34· Take heede that your hearts 6e Luke l 1 ; 34 • not overc!Jargedwithfurfeting arul drtmktnnelfo,. ttnd the cttre.s ofthis W@rld,lejl th~tt day come~tpon yotJ at unawares : As ifhe fhould fay, the reafon :whyyou milfe of the times, why that great day. comes upon youunawares,.whyyou donot that •duty that you ought within the cori1paffe of ·the time that Ocdhath appoimedit;it cornes.from. hence, f0me excdfe in the ufe o! lawfullcom:– .forts: Soyou have two caufes given there. . Either, when men inebriate themfelues too :much with the prefent comforts ofthis world, when tlreyexceed in them,when they take more than theyought,though·the things-in themfelue·s be lawfuli. Or fecondly,they take fo·muchearcforworld:– ·ly things,tnat it breeds adifremper in them;that is, it diffradstheirminds,for by that amanmayl Hovvto know knowwhen hiscares are inordinate when they · .when.carcsare j ' 'b d anordmate. ree e ~~--------------~C ~· =· ~~~P------