·' · 'to. j'lhe ~if!ingf!ftimehringeth mifery. ·------------------~--~---- .. , breed dill:ractions in the minde: as we fee in Mttrtha,chrijlfound notfault, becaufdhe was carefull toprov1de;but bccaufe hercarewemfo farrethatittroubled her, that 1he c ;mld not at– tend uponfpirituall duties, there was the fault, Martha·s thMght.r were trouMed about many things: when fuch difiempers grow on us, it caufeth us to rniffe the time. If we would then keepe ourtimes, ifwe would know the times al– Ioted us take heed ofexceffe,take heed we affect not too much out \VJrd comforts,that ourhearts be not too much fet upon any outward bleffings heit what it will be. Take hecde againe, that we take not too much care for any thing, that we rninde not too intentively worldly bnfineffes, they will caufe us to miffe our times. This is the fecond .caufe. 6•(-ruf!. ThirdIy,to do.impertinent things,isthat which ~ ti:;~~t~hl!;:~ , ·.caufeth men to rniffcthe time, tha~ is allotted to o everypurpofe,& to every bufines. When aman isoccupiedabout things that he ought not, he 'tnilfesdoing ofthofe buftndfes that he ought to do(!. Therefore, r·Cor .7.the Apofile gives this Worldly mat– -ters imperti.. ,nent in com– parifonof he.nen. Rule;faith he,whatfoever you haveto do,ifyou , be tohuy,doeitJU ifyoubought not ;if you be to m~trry, do it tU ifyoudidit not:And generally uft this world a! ifyeuufed it not:That is,all theacti– onsbelongingto this world, be not too much occupied about fuch impertinentthings as they be:Impertinentthingsto themaine bufinelfe,fot whichyoucameintotheworld:For Iwonldf;ave you