ALL. sv F F 1 c I EN c Y. 41 .r ' I I a. 1 Secondly. Becaufethe Creature is accurfed; there is acurfelies upon the Creature,there is an empdndfe, and a vanitieinir, and that which is Icis ac:curfeJ. \ emptie in it fdfe~ cangiu~no fi1lnelfe tous. . . Thirdly. The Creatureis under the Sunne,and ~ • d ft is a1ider therefore you hauethat phrafcfo often rcpeate the~unnc. jnEcclejiajles,..tJltthings undertheSt~nne,are Vtt– nitieandvexationofjjirit. Now the happineffe ·\ ' \ I that wefecke forisaboue the Sunne, which the Creature is notable to reach. . , · · \ : Fomthly.The Creaturelscor.porall,..the.mind . 4· , is fpiritualf, it is a fpirit, andt~ereforcit can re· Ic iscorpo. ralll' ·ceiue no happinelfe from it;therefore in·r-Je6. r 2. ,t" ,.r; Hel>.u.IJ. · we are fayd·to goet-o theffiirits OJ per} erJ men, a'S ifthat were a futabl~·c.onV.erfefor afpirit.· ; \ ! Fiftl y. ~t~s tetn,porary;whC>.teas.the foui.eisJm- T tiue~pora- . mortall,ttlsnotableto runthecourfe Wtthttto ry. · .itsjourrieyes end; but it 1eaues it in the middle way,&theref~re itis not able to makeit happie~ · .~eftdes. As I tol?~ ydu thenthe~Ctcar.ure~ i~ ~ , 6 • . · fimte,andtherefore tt Isnotable to fill thefoule; ; ri: is finite. God is infinite, and therefolie is able to do:: -it. That no creature can doe it, we fee in conrinuall experience. Take any ·c0rnfortthat you fin de in . the creature,and·when youhaue enjoyed it, frill you want fomewhat,and you would haue more· But when you come unto theLord&enjoy him, when your hearts arc filled,fHl there is fomwhat beyond in qim, there is no frop, there is no re– fitaint. And, the refore, ·he onelycan make the foule happy. ~o~ the ground ofir,why he is on 1y able to doe tt, 1s, becaufe the foule is made for G 3 him,