Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

DS him, fitted for him, &therefore there Whynothln~ can(atisfiethe is nothing elfeanfwerable,there is thatconll:itufwc but G•J. . ti-on ofthe minde, thatit will not be filled with .any thing befides. TheLordmight haue put the ~eft. .,tnfw. The cre1ture jsnot abletO· doe us good, or hurt. Iere•.to.,.•. •minde intoruch a frame, he might haue fo con- ' ;fl:ituted the fouleofman,that the creature might haue filled it, and fatisficd it, and haue beene an : ad~quate objett to it, but he hathnotdone fo :_ for hemade it for himfelfe, and therefore, it. is not filled but with himfelfe. So much forthat, that the creature in thematter ofhappinelfe isa-· bleto doe nothing~ ' ·... ' .. Butyou-willfay·to me; Thisis a thing of which wemake n(} doubt; But what do you fay for ordinary·ufeSrflild for.the vicillitudes-ofthis. : . r life,is oo-t thecreathre;in;thcfe~ablerio:doe good ' andhurt~ -- ·: ·., .. :_.•... i . .··. · ., . B'dov(d, asT faid to you the lall: day;the C rea• ture isnot able,confidered without th ~ influence ofthefirftmover;to-doc; you the leafi: good, or hurt;as thewordsare Jtr.Io. 5.[peaking ofId1!J, . they cand6 ~ne#h(rgood nor hurt,andt herforeftart · ·themnot. As ifhe fuould fay; Ifthcy,could·'doe you;either good,or.hurt,.you mightfearerhemj, and it is cerraine, ifany Creaturewere able, in. manner afore-faid,to.doeymr:anygoodorhurt; _ you-mighrfeare thecrea.rute: .for, Ggd.alters':no - Godattrmn 1awofnature,that~hiahisinit felfe to be fea· . . noh.wofna· red, ,wemayfeare, that whichist6be 'obferved · rure. . ' & regarded:,we may regard it..Now,~.fany (.rea.- ·. ture wereable ro-doegood, or hurt, certainely; - it were tohe feared in'regard ofthehurt it could doe, .