·ALL· S_VF F l C I E N CY. 47 doe-,and toberegard,ed& obferved in regard of the good it coulddoe. ThC'n againe, the Law of theLordfhould be unequal,iftheLord fhould re– quire all wodhip, that the intention of tl; emind bewholly taken npabon.t him,&thatwe iliould haueaneyeto the creature, if the creature had a– ny felfe-partwith himinqoing us good or hurt; for~ ifthecreatu~e could doe us hurr, we fhould not ondy Iooke to God,thlt he iliould be aBuckler,but we {hould haue an eye upon the creature. Ifa man fhould fay, I will be adefence to you, .I will keepeyou fafe;but I ca·rinot doe it wholly, fi1ch aone ftands by that may reach you a blow, fromwhich I cannot deknd you; In nature and reafon, a man will haue an eye to that man too, &fowewouldto thecreature,it it were ableto hurt us:And fo, likewife, for good, theLordre– !traines not that, nor faith, you fhall hane apartiall happincs,you fhal haue no morethe is in me, though there might he fomething be.Gdes in~he creature; but he fuffers ourfoules to be at fullli1 berty, to feeketheirhappincsto the utmo.fi,and, therefore, ifthe creature did adde the leall: drop ofhappin~s, or ifrhe leaft beame ofhappines did fpring from the Creature, certainly, y.ou might haue an eye upon it, you might fo farre wotfl1ip it and regard it: but it is who1Iy from the Lord.· thereforefayrh he, let your heart he onely fixeq upon me, let your eye be onelyrowards me, let . your affedions he taken up about nothing but ~e,you.1hal fpend a~lthe firength otyourfoules mobeymgmee, and keeping my Cmnmande- · ' ., G 4 . .. ments; Gods cotr..• mandoHce – kir.gunrohim is eqtull. Simile. 1 l l I l I ' j - f l \ 1