Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

A L 11 - s·v -FF 1 c 1 E N cv. 49 L11rdboth in our hearts>and in our fpeechcs,not by faying I h:me gotten me favour & friendlhip offuchaman, but the Scriptures expreffion is, the Lordhathgiuen mefavof!ri.n fuclfa mans eyes So,agai·ne,not byfayiog Ihaucprocured the ha· tred offuch.a man-againfi rhee, but fay,theL~d ' frirred up fuch ·a man~;fpiritagainfi: mee,and fo I not byfaying Ihaue-go_tten Hwhandfuchthings, but as Ittcob, the Lord1[hisgoodnes hathgivenmej . ''I h. . ' 1 b .f. . ' w~ thoula fee dt4f unotLavanoormyowne a our;t ,many Godinthe enterprifeyou haue fuccdfe, (aynot~Ih~uedone goodandevill it.; butfay as .Ahr:rhawsferv.ant.faid,the Lo'rdhath men doe us. pr-oJperedmy fo~rney.Thatis~TheLorddoth all in all,it-is he that commands flll, it is he that difpo– feth all, I fay.,~hatwefhould f.1ne\ifiethe Lordfn our. fpeech,es; ~his is.the language o£the;Scrip– turc$; But, chitfly we fliould fanc1ifte himin our hearts. That is. Thus we lhould conceilie ofhim, and thus wee fhoold thinke of every Creatute; it will not beunprofitable,if wedraw thisalittle neercr into particulars. That all the 'Creatures .are fo at hisdifpo:fing, that they ll:irrenot a jot, but at hiscomrr~and,you fhall fee inEccfif.3· the Ec:clcC.3~· ge_nerall there fer downe; I know th.At wh4tft!ver GodjhalldDr-, it]ball be for 'ever' toit tAn no man ~tdde 7 n{)rfrom it cannoman dimi11ijb,for Godhath lloneit-that mtnJlumldflare hiforchim. ( Marke) IknBw thttt whatfoeverGodJballdoit /hall befor e.. ·'V er. Tha~is:ihecreaturecannot-alt-erany courfe ~that Go.dhathfet, neither atthis time, nor at any · 'other time, but it fhall run in a conftant courfe, ,like a firong fireame that £annot be refifted, it c ~·- Jl..all ~ .._ IJJ