• I t -;. . Tbewils-of men guided by God. 1 ·iliall be for ever, to it.foA-11no mtt11 addt andfrom1t ·\Cif.fJ no t.Mn diminifo. That is.Thecreature cannot onely doe no fubfi:antian aCi:ion, but, when the .Lordhathdoneany thing, the Creature cann-ot adde the leafi: thing to it, and as it cannot adde, ·fo it ·cannot diminifh, nor take away the leafi: thing from any bleJiing that hee bell:oweth, nor any evill that hewill doe, thecreatur~ addes not ajot to that evill,to thatcrolfe, to that affiietion, nor the creature mitigates not the ·croife in the leafi degree,thoughyou.thinke it doth: But that we fhaH anfivcr afterward. But why isthis~ This (fayth he )the Lordhath done that mmJhouldftare hefore him. As ithe fhould fay; they would not feare me,buitheywouldfearethe creature, and looke to the creature, ifit were able to adde any thing, ortodetra~ anything, either to or from any bleffing, or comfort, that wee haue, or to or from any evill, or any crolfethat Iyes upon us. Now,that it is fo,th:u the creature is thus guided & difpofed by him, that it is able to doe nothing without him, weewill not in!l:ance in the unrea- - fonable creatur~s, ~~ichyou all bele~u~well e– nough to beathts com:znd,. but we wtllmfi:ance in thofe that feeme to be at thegreatefi: Iibertie : that is the wils and unde-rll:andings ofmen ; cer– tainly,ifthereheany Iibertie in the creature ids there,the will ofman is fo free a thing, the devi– fes ofa mans heart, his turning of himfelfe this way or that way, .who can fetany Rules tolt~ But in this the Lorti guides all: take it in other Proy~ '-~.16. mens heat:ts.Pro. 29. Everymanfeekesthefoceof, -• ,~, the . - -· .. - . . . -- . . - . - ~ . ... ... ' . -·