All Creatures GodsArmits. ' ' F ~ayes._ Thatis. :Every thing that thou doefr, e· very fl:eppe that thou takeft, every thing that befalls thee. This {hall be enough to iliew you, that man in his actions is at the di!pofing of the Lr;rd. As for other creatures,i fyouwil liaueaproofe for it, to make it evident to you that no creature ,{tirreswithouthim,confiderthatinEfa.4o.fpea– ldng ther ofthearmies ofthe Lord,theyare called the 'llrmies ofthe LQrd, becaufe every creatureis likeafouldier that ftands underhi:. Generall, rea– dy to go,readyto do,and to execute whatfoever he commands. In the 2 6. verfe,Lift up thine eyes on high, andbeholdwho hath createdthefe thing.t ; ht brings out thtirArmiesbynumber,ttndcttlls tllem allby their names, by the greatnes ofhispower,and his mightyjlrcngth nothingfoiles:thisis the thing I would haue you obferue out ofthis place, that they are all Gflds armies . Now an army confifl:s ofmany particubrs ;take all the creatures under the c0pe ofheav~n_,they are nodingle,youknow there are mult'itudes of them, there are maily Beafi:s,manyFowles,many Fifhes,f.1ith theLord hcre,Icall them every one by their name. Tliaris Heknowes every one ofthem,norwithfi:anding, thatinfinite number of them, he knowes them every one:even asaMafi:er knowes every fervam · in his houfe, and can qll them by their names; So,faith.he, every plrtrcular creature he knowes hyname]tis acomforrableconfideration~~hen you c6fider t~atthere is not one ofthefe,but fhe Lord~nowesthem byname,and they.are his Infirume·nrs