Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

. ..Comforc ari - fethfroma 6mdfe of the nUndecothc condition. Note. bring'it forth,excepttheLordfer it a-worke, and u[e it for fuch a purpofe :as an Axe ifit be never fo iliarp,e, yet, if the Carpenter do not.ufe it to cut fuch a tree, to lop fi1ch a branch, it iSnota– l:>le to doe it. Nowthegroundofit,why the creature is nota– blet0 doe this,is from hence,that all thecomfort that arifeth from the creature, proceeds from that futablendfe & that agreeableneffe which is betweenethemind and it. That is;when the blef. ling and the minde are fitted one to another, as the [word to the fheath, or as the.meat to the pa– late, then the creature comforts;9utifthere bee an unfutableneffe, adifagreement, adifproporti- .on, betweene the Creatureand the minde, now thou rcceiveft no comfort from it :for wh:tt is it to thee!' for comfortlies not fimpiy inany thing: butthatiscomfortablethatagreeth with the appetit{', and thedefire ofaman.Whatfoever it is, let the defirebe what it will, ifthat whichthou bafr,fuite.with thydefire,i tiscomfortablc,when ) amans heart is fad, fuch actions as are futablc to tbatdifpo(tti6, are pleafant; weeping is pleafant, _<Jnd complaints.are plcafant ; muficke grieues, becaufethatis not fut~bleto the prefcntdifpofi– ,tion. And fo in every thing elfe. It is no matter whatthy condition is, but what futablene1fe and agreeabienes is between thyminde and thy con– dition ; if thou bee. in never fo good condition; yet except Godmakethat and thy mind to agree, \ thou fhalt receiue no comfort from it;if aman 1 be in meanecondition,ifhe be in prifon,ifhe be m -----------~--~------------------·-------