Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

... '"" .,. . ~ 'I·-.. . .... :.._ _5_9 \ . [rum his !Jabitation, upon the men .t/,at dwd{ ttp-bn · I · the earth,4ndfafhions their heart! e'T{ery one ofthem \ ( Marke) hefojbio!Js their heart. Thatis; A_man harh fuc.h a fi·ame ofhearr,(uch an apprehenJion oftbings, as it pleafet'b Godro giiie him:S6 that r·' takeany fiate or condition that a man is in ( as. youknow there is a great v'ari~ty of conditions, tobe ricb,and to be poore,to be in prifon,and to be at Iibertic,to be in hcalrh,andto be lick, to be ' i nhGnour, and to be in difgrace) thefe are,as it werc,thcfeverallmoulds, into which the Lord -cafismen. Now,ifhe wiUfram·ethe fpi ritto that .mould,Jike[oft dayto the feale(for that is an ex– Whenceith that fufferings · ateearietothc · Saims• .preffion in I1b ) I f-ay, ifh'e falhion the fpirit to it, &makeitpliabletothecondition,tothatmoul·d, , ~ amaQwill and indure it well eno11gh, hee · ihall find comfort in it,it will be nothing to him.. And therfore theSaints,theAp.oflles,& Prophets when God was with them to failiion the hearts topalfe through the varietie ·oftroubles, might fay of themfelues, Nonp~tti'mur,&c·. They feem'" ed to fulfer,hutin truth didnotfufter.What was' ittoPa11l,- when h~ endur~d rhadbte & condition that he did,when his heart was fo fafhioned to itasitwas~.Now,I fay,inthatthcLorJhaththis , ' dominion over the fpirits of men,hrnceit is tl1~t he makes amans lifecomfonable.Put d1ecafe, thy hand hathg(')ttcmnnch thatthonhafigathe:- red much wealth together)yer;yonknow1!.cclef. · ~ I 2 . The,re ·is i?D profit to it man, but that heeeatc and · drinke; and~(·!ig'ht h<is foule Jvithprofit .per his f!cdet. :.. z.f.. . lalJ-out,Ifoy t'ht J .zlfo,that it wtts ofthehand~{God• . ·· . , H 2. . That . I i