. ' . ALL-SVFFICIENCY. '\ m-~itknow this; that I haue dominion over the apprehenfion of your hearts & aff~ctio!ls, when you come thither ,I wi{/gitJeyott trembling hearts and forrow of rninde. That is. Though there be · comforts there, yeryou flull _not ,take comfort . from them,and the reafon is added,fbr thine eyu jballfoile. That is;When thou·commefi: thither, I will put a refHcs unquiet difpofition into thee, that thou fhalt not content thy felfe with the comfortthou findeft, but fhalt hauea longing .deftre to returne to thine own·home,& thar thou ihalt not be able to doe; fo thou ihalt h~uca reft– les minde whileftthouanthere. Thus will I fol- . low thee with judgements. I amforry, I han~ frayed fo long inth_~ dod-rinall parr, the life of thispoyntis in the ufe and applicatit>n of it; I - willadde alittle, that I may not wholly difmilfe . you without it. · · Andfirfi,t:hisufeyou maymake ofit.IfrheLord •·beAlt-fujfici"ent;henccwe iliould learne how to ' guide our comfort')how to gnide ourj~y,how to · guide our affedions. That is. Labour to feet hat fulndfe that is inGod,apd that emptineffe that is in the crelture;ifthe .lordbe thus .Alt-Jitfficient-; · Beluved, i:he·n let your hearts be f<1tisfied with him alone, Lt them be filled with him, let them · be fo bottomed upon him,& fd firengtNenedby hiin, that you need not to goe out from him to fetch'in any comfort fr.om any crea~ure whatfo- . ever;ifthe Lordfillrhe heart, it £hall firengthen you againfi all carnail joy. What need you goe QUt to others, ifyon haueendughin hiiJJ: it willlt · _ . H 3 firengtheN • r Nati:. . ' V (e. How to guide · oar comfort.