Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

DS il:rengthen you againll: that expence offpirir,and , ofyour thoughts,which you befl:owupon vaine The whole things; for,.we haue but a fhort time to )iue in fireng~1J.of this world,the firength ofour minde is the moll: ~ur f~1h't b • precigus thingwehaue,th~ thoughts&affecHons a:;e~o~ t~e i that we haue,the bufinelfe, th.eadiueneffe ofour Lord,& why-? . mindes, we l1nuld be carefull to improue them, we fhould hec~tefullthat none ofthis water·run befides theMill. Thatis. That it be not bellowed - uponthingsthatareunwonhyofit.. IftheLord beAU-fojficient,whyfhouldyounotbeltow it all together uponhim~why f110uld you fpend it up. ,o.?the cre1.urewhy fhould your mind. be occu– pied aboytt tt .t! Why{hould you be fo mtent upon thet;rt' ~Why l11ould yoube fofuhj,ecr to car– nail griefes,and feares,& carnall deftre~ ~Surely, all thefe fhould be taken up abqut the Lord~· for . he lookes for it at our hands, I am All-fo.lficient: therefore let all thefe be bell:owedupon me. And againe, as.we fhould learne to fee this ' fulnelfe inGod, to haue our hearts bottomed and fixedupon him, fo we lh<)uldlabour to fee the _, . Jl.!efl. \ e~pdnesofthe creature. But,yo~ willf~y, who . , 1 cloth not know that the C'reature ts-emptte-~ that AnfW, : thing. B.elo·ved~ it is certaine wee .doe e kn~w not · not fully know it, ifwe did, what meane thofe the em~cmes complaints, &thofegriefes~ that we take up-upofthe (.tea- 'll 'd' h r-. 1 . £'. h. .tore. i ·On everyev1 .acct enr t at ra s nut~ ror n<;>t mg ;is faidtobeempty,but when you Iooke foraful– h' 1 ndfeinir,youJaya Wellisemptie ofwater,be. tayd :o t b~g caufe yon looke for w.1rer there, you do-enotfay cmpt!e . a-Rockeis empry,for youdo not expecHtrhe.te. I . . s~