• A:L L ·.• S V PP I C LE N C Y. 63 Sowemayfay ofthe creature,ifwe thoiight,and · 'did beleeue, that there were.an emptineffe .in it, · we would neverexpedfo much from it as we do Bur,when we complaine andfay, I thought to · haue foitnd fitch& fuch things,and I finde them not, it is afigne that we looke for afi1lnes there; andtherefordetus labour to cotTedthat conccit,itwill helpc us again!l: thofc griefes & complaints, towhich we are fo much fubjed:.; let us lookef.or no more in the ·Creaturethenisin.it. All griefeand fiirringotaffedion, arifeth from· .! -thise~pe~~tion, this over-weening~ this ·high Gricfe com~s . . ~ h .f ~ d . 11. • from cxpeda· · pnzmgor t e·creature:t you nn cmconu:ancte tionf.ru!lrate. : in men; whydoeyou looke for .confiancie in. them':' They arecreatures,ifyou lookefor fia.bilitie in your eft-ate, ~ndwonder why a change ·fbould come( I was heretofore rich, and now I ampoore, I was honourable, and now I .am in ·difgrace)why-didfi thouexpectfrabilitie in that ' ~hich is fubjed to vanitie ~ Things would not i trouble US, ifwe didnofexpect tOO rffiUCh from · them,ifwe ,knew there were an emptines in them he that lookes not for much from the Creature, can never be much deceived; he thati(}okes for muc·h fromGoJ, 1ball be fure to haue his defire anfwered and fadslied ; he lhall never £1lllhort ofhi~expectation. And therefore, labour to alter your .conceits that way, that whenfoeverany wecannotex· thingfals out, you may not be troubled at it, peeltoomnch , youmay not feare fort hat accident,forit arifeth'< frqm God. hence, becaufe you looked -for more in it, then - ·., wasin it. Itis_a faying that wee haue inmorlll . H 4 Ph~