Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

-~---' ___ ! 0 F' G 0 D s m.ent, you may trqely fay, it is not the creature that harh done anything,but:theLordhath done Anfw. , .T,heCreature · dotb little comparatiue. ly. ' me goad and hurt by the Creature. Bur, whythenisitfayd,itis alittle~ forthis . takes all away. · I anfwer,the meanit1g is this, itcan doe alittle. That; Alltheeuill any creature can doe, it is bur alittlein regard-of the ecernaH that God·in1liCl:s on the foule,ic is as good as nothingin corn parifon ofthofe eternall good things. As if hee 1houldfay; the things that belong toGodimme– diately, the things thatbelongtothe Kingdome ofGod, and toamans falvarion, the things that .arefpirituall and eternall,thefe are goJd indeed, andevil1indeed~,ifanyofthefc befall you, you mull: grieue exceedingly : for you haue great caufe: for that can doe you great hurt, and fo grace can doe youmuchgood, for it tends to e.. ternitie, it tends to fetthings even, or odde he– tweeneAlmightieGodand you; and therefore, in thefethings, let your rejoycingbevery great, and your griefe very great. But for any thing that belongs to this; prefent life, it is exceeding [mall, it is as good as nothing. So much for this time.