7° 1· OF ·Gons ! ; ·S'Klomens ex. i pcriecelhould , inllrutt us in . thevanatieof '.-earthly things · EcckG r. / '. Simile. : I --------------~ ,:·injoyed, you fee an end oftheirperfcdion, you quickly findabottomin them; theh~art hall:eth · [after fomewhat clfe, you quickly fucke out the . honey that isiflcvery <?neofthofe flowers, and when you haue done fo,you go to another fi ow– er,and to another, and no where cloth the foule finde rcfl:. G.(Jd did purpofdy fer forth Salomon, and gaue h~im all things that his heart ·couldde. fire.,fothat no man had the like before him, nor any manfince.And forwhatenddoeyouthinke did theLordit-: Surely,for this purpofe, that he might be a perpetuall example (as things were written£orour learning, fo all thefe things that w·ere-donein thofe 'former times, which are the Rule ofthefehtter they were done for our lear- · ning) he had all varietie ofbleffings, more then any man elfe<:an hope to attaine, yet you know whatvenlid hegiuesofrhem; eAU~s :;.snity 11nd vrxation fl({pirit. That is. Bee fourrdln them an cmptinelfe ofthat good he looked for,theywere emptie Clouds,Welles without water. Againe, . theywe.reavexation of fpirit. Thatis.Therewas thepn~fenceolmuch evilli:nthem that he looked notfor, many !l:ing-s,manytroubles. And there– forewhy ·f110u1d younot becontent with C!oda· lone~Take all outward things,before you injoy · _them, they fecme to begreat;but when you haue injoyed them,and tried thcm,you -quickly find a bottomitl them;for there ish ut atllfe luHre that . Sathan and yourowne Iu!l:s put upon them, they haue gilded out-fides; -but when they come to wearing, thegilt wearc~s olf,andyou find aftera while~