Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

objeCI. . ;tn(w. All Gods at• tributes are for his chil~ ·dren. ! Hispo"er; I · ·HiswiCedome - OF Gons opened, as it w:ere,to fee that excellency and ful:. nelfe,and that AU-fufficienci(inGod, an9 it filkd . the mfo, that they cared for nothing befides . And this, we would worke our hearts to, if we did looke upon Godasanad<Equateobject. But, youwill fay, though this be fomething to haue myfoule filled with comfort thus;yetthere · are many necetlities, many ufes, that:lhaue ofother things. · . Therefore,I wi1I goe yet further. Poe!l: thou. confider theLord,what he is:~ goe through all his attributes,confider his almightypower,confider his great wifedome,his counfell, and his under- , ftandirig, confider his great goodne1Te; and his trmh, ·and kindneffe, confider his patience, and . his long .fuffering,&c.all thcfe are thine.My Be- . ' loved, Godis not knowne in the world, we confi– der not aright what he faith,when he £1ith, 1 will hethyportion, 1will he thy God; fo.r fohe fayth, 1 myflift ammy heloveds,&mywelbelovtdis mine. Now to haue theLordhimfelfe,is more than ifhe , ibould giue thee all the Kingdomes ofthe earth;, confiderthis,thepower ofGodistqine,~q .,worke all thy worksfor thee,to-make paffage fon thee, , 'whenthouartin a ftrait, to bringthyemerprifes topaffe,todeliver thee out when thou art in any affiidion ,out ofwhich the creature is not abJe to deliver thee.Thinke whatit istohauean interefi inGods.almlghtie power,.and thinke,.one part ofthy portion: the ford himfelfe is thine, andall his power is thine•.Confider Iikewiie, his wifedoine,Wthou neede counfellin·.aoy difficult . cafe,·